The policy applies to all permanent and temporary employees of Minecon Resources and Services Limited (MINECON), including strategic partners doing work for MINECON.
This policy will serve to govern the protection of company confidential information.
The following information is strictly confidential and it is expected that employees shall not disclose such information in any way to any third party, without the prior written consent of the company:
- any plans, data, reports, records, production statistics, operational issues, employment statistics , current legal matters, professional and trade secrets, technology, designs, personal information of persons in the employ of the company, or any documents or information of any kind whatsoever which may be acquired by, or which may at present or during the currency of the employment, or at any time in the future be in the possession or within the knowledge of an employee;
- Should an employee be required to disclose any confidential information to any country, regional, state or local government, or to any appropriate agency or department thereof, to such extent as may be required by any law, applicable rules or in response to a legitimate request for such confidential information, such an employee shall immediately notify the divisional director of the requirement and the extent thereof prior to the disclosure of such information. The divisional director shall in turn notify the Board who shall provide guidance or, if necessary, refer the request to whom it may concern.
- The company reserves the right to limit the nature and extent of any confidential information to be disclosed on such terms as it may determine, subject to employees complying with the law at all times.
- Employees shall not make any public announcement or public disclosure in regard to the confidential information without the prior written consent of the Employer.
- Any employee who does not understand this Policy and wishes to seek clarification is strongly advised to seek guidance from his divisional director.